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  • Online Festival / Awards Event



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- Florida Beach International Film Festival (FBIFF)
As you know, filmmakers need to search and find the true festivals in their busy life and sometimes it becomes so hard.
Florida Beach International Film Festival aims to give filmmakers what do they deserve. It supports their success by social media advertisements, advices, networking, distribution, and by all the support that it can give.

Awards & Prizes

The officially selected project in each month receives FBIFF laurel. All monthly Award Winners receives laurel and customised certificate.

The awards are given in the following categories:

Best Feature Film

Best Director For Feature Film

Best Documentary Film

Best Director for Documentary Film

Best Short Film

Best Director For Short Film

Best Music Video & many more...

Rules & Terms

1- In order to submit a film, you must own the rights or have permission from the owner.

2- Films must have been completed after 2017 in order to qualify for the Festival.

3- Any Foreign film that is not in English must have English subtitles.

4- All fees are non-refundable

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