A loving daughter
A loving daughter
General Information
Duration: 13 min 23 sec
Genres: Short
Language: Tagalog (Filipino)
Country: Philippines
Submitted By: Jeremiah Palma
Festival Rating
A mother and daughter sell food near the church. Everyone knows the mother who raised her child alone. But in an unexpected event, the mother became ill and could no longer sell. But because of the daughter's desire to help her mother, she continued selling goods out of love for her mother.
DirectorsJeremiah Palma
ProducersLea Palma
WritersJeremiah Palma
Film TypeShort
Runtime13 minutes 23 seconds
Production BudgetUSD
Country of OriginPhilippines
Country of FilmingPhilippines
Film LanguageTagalog (Filipino)
Shooting Formatmp4
Aspect Ratio16:9
Film ColorColor
Student ProjectNo
First-time FilmmakerNo
Sorok Short Film Festival
Official Selection
Director's Biography
Jeremiah Palma is a Filipino filmmaker-director, starting out as a freelance video editor and eventually entering the world of filmmaking. His short films "Umbra" and "Samakatuwid" have already won an award for Best Director in various international film festivals, despite being low budget short films. Jeremiah has the ambition to make a film with a big production, and is striving to build a portfolio and become known as a filmmaker-director. He admires directors such as Zack Snyder and James Cameron for their ability to make fiction and fantasy appear realistic. As an all-rounder in pre-production, production, and post production, Jeremiah enjoys movie genres like horror, suspense/thriller, sci-fi, superpowers, fantasy and comedy. Follow his journey as he strives to become a professional visual storyteller.