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Abhixopto Ati Nixa (A Cursed Night) Poster

Abhixopto Ati Nixa (A Cursed Night) (2022) 8.0

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General Information

Completed On: 03 May, 2022

Director: Swaroop Dutta

Duration: 35 min 35 sec

Genres: Short

Language: Assamese

Country: India

Submitted By: Swaroop Dutta

Festival Rating

Ratul is a young man who works in an office in Dibrugarh. One day, through TV news, Ratul came to know that about five bodies had been found at different places in Dibrugarh. The killer has not yet been apprehended by the police. So that police warned the people of Dibrugarh not to allow any stranger to enter the house. Ratul's mother called and told him to be careful. At night, when Ratul was asleep, a man secretly entered Ratul's house. Ratul is terrified when he sees the man, Ratul tells the man to get out of the house. The man tells Ratul about his grief. Ratul is very sad to hear about the man, Ratul brings some rice and lets the man eat.
Ratul goes to the office the next day on a scooter as usual. An office staff tells him to be careful because an unknown person is killing people in the city.
Ratul's return was delayed as there was a lot of work in the office that day. His Scooter does not start. The co-staff in the office told him to leave the scooter and go home in the auto rickshaw. Ratul finds an auto on a deserted night. Auto driver wants more rent. Ratul agreed and sat down in the auto rickshaw. Ratul did not like the behaviour of auto driver. Suddenly the auto driver stopped near a forest, The auto driver took a bottle of liquor out of his pocket and drank. Seeing that, Ratul got more scared. Ratul looks at the auto driver with suspicion. At last the auto arrived and reached in front of Ratul's house. Ratul pays the driver and enters the house. After a while Ratul heard the sound of knocking on the door. Ratul opens the door and sees the auto driver in front,
The news comes out in the newspapers "Serial Killer was eventually caught by the police"
Who is this serial killer ? Why is he killing like this? What is the reason behind it ? What is the negligence of the society as a result of an ordinary person can become a serial killer ?
The police told the lawyer everything and from what sources the police were able to arrest the serial killer of this incident.

  • Directors
    Swaroop Dutta
  • Producers
    Swaroop Dutta
  • Writers
    Swaroop Dutta
  • Film Type
  • Genres
    Suspense, Thriller,Drama
  • Runtime
    35 minutes 35 seconds
  • Completion Date
    03 May, 2022
  • Production Budget
    655 USD
  • Country of Origin
  • Country of Filming
  • Film Language
  • Shooting Format
    1920 x 1080
  • Aspect Ratio
  • Film Color
  • Student Project
  • First-time Filmmaker


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