General Information
Duration: 4 min 12 sec
Genres: Short
Submitted By: Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar
Festival Rating 8.8
Film TypeShort
Runtime4 minutes 12 seconds
Production BudgetUSD
Country of Origin
Country of Filming
Film Language
Shooting Format
Aspect Ratio
Film ColorColor
Student ProjectNo
First-time FilmmakerNo
Director's Biography
I'm a South Asian American novelist, scholar, and screenwriter, with a PhD in English, who tells women-centric stories in unusual settings. In my writing, audiences experience what it means to be brown and female in a supposedly post racial era. I create humorous cultural content like in my solo show Being Brown is My Superpower, which channels a lifetime of cultural misunderstandings. I was a semi-finalist in the Humanitas Awards and at the Austin Film Festival. Most recently, I wrote and produced Me Against the World, a collegiate romantic comedy, with diverse leads and a sports element which has been named an official selection at 8 international film festivals and winner in its category at 5. I'm also the founder and creative director of the Short Film Lab, an incubator for first time female filmmakers in their teens and twenties based in the Middle East.