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Mom - a bond that lasts forever Poster

Mom - a bond that lasts forever (2020) 8.0

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General Information

Completed On: 24 Nov, 2020

Director: Lakshmi Sunil

Duration: 18 min 0 sec

Genres: Fiction



Submitted By: Aniruddha Roy

Festival Rating

Aniruddh and Naina are happily married. Aniruddh is leading a successful professional life while Naina is happy taking care of their one year old kid - Bunty. But slowly, the stress and pressure of motherhood gets onto her. Her husband is busy with office work and does not help out much with the kid. This creates a rift between them. One day, Naina loses it and confronts Aniruddh. Will he understand and mend his ways? Or is there more to the story?

  • Directors
    Lakshmi Sunil
  • Producers
    Aniruddh Roy
  • Producers
    Sunil Ranganathan
  • Writers
    Lakshmi Sunil
  • Film Type
  • Genres
  • Runtime
    18 minutes 0 seconds
  • Completion Date
    24 Nov, 2020
  • Production Budget
  • Country of Origin
  • Country of Filming
  • Film Language
  • Shooting Format
  • Aspect Ratio
  • Film Color
  • Student Project
  • First-time Filmmaker

Director's Statement

There is GOD and then there is MOM….
Mothers, in every society and every culture, are always deified, put on a pedestal equivalent to GOD. They are considered perfect, flawless, selfless, always acting in the interest of the family and their children. But is it always so?
Pressure to be the perfect mother is too huge for many young women. They are judged by everyone including themselves. Can mothers be so perfect, and always live up to the expectations of society? Aren’t they also just human beings - imperfect, fallible.
MOM explores the dynamics of a nuclear family. How a baby changes the relationship between a couple, forms the crux of the story. It delves into the unspoken challenges a woman experiences when she steps into motherhood. It also gives a peek into the life of a father, the unsung hero, who works equally hard but doesn’t get his due credit.


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