Cineclube Paulista

Created on : April 4, 2024 17:38


Paulista Cinema Club is a São Paulo-based club was the first to exhibit independent films when it was founded in 1945. They organize a varied schedule of foreign and Brazilian arthouse films, encouraging audience participation and critical debate.


Founded in 1945, Cineclube Paulista stands as a cornerstone of São Paulo's cinephile culture. More than just a place to watch movies, it fostered a space for critical engagement with cinema. Renowned filmmakers like Paulo Emílio, Décio de Almeida Prado, and Lourival Gomes Machado were part of the founding group, setting the tone for intellectual discussions alongside screenings. Cineclube Paulista championed independent, art-house, and international films, introducing audiences to new cinematic movements and challenging established narratives. Throughout its long history, it has navigated closures and reopenings, but its commitment to the art of film and the power of dialogue has remained constant. Today, Cineclube Paulista continues to be a vital platform for cinephiles, offering a curated selection of movies followed by insightful discussions. It serves as a testament to the enduring power of cineclubes in nurturing film appreciation and critical thinking, ensuring a vibrant future for cinephilia in São Paulo.

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