Welcome to Cinecyclopedia (CCP), a platform dedicated to sharing knowledge about films. We are committed to maintaining the privacy and security of your personal information while providing a valuable resource for film enthusiasts. Please take a moment to review our privacy policy to understand how we collect, use, and protect your information.

Legal text (referred to as legal code) and Cinecyclopedia deeds: Cinecyclopedia makes the legal code of its licenses, as well as the text of all notices and accompanying text on the license pages. Cinecyclopedia also makes the Cinecyclopedia deeds associated with its licenses, the CCP Public Domain Dedication. This allows anyone to reuse those texts for any purpose; however, Cinecyclopedia reserves all trademark and branding rights associated with the licenses, and the Cinecyclopedia deeds. Refer to the Trademark Policy below for more details.

Cinecyclopedia Trademark Policy:

Our trademarks: Trademarks include words, graphic designs, or other identifiers that indicate the source of a product or service. Cinecyclopedia employs various trademarks, some of which serve to (i) communicate the selected legal tool by the rights holder or (ii) indicate that the creator has applied a Cinecyclopedia license to their work. Our registered trademarks and other trademarks encompass CINECYCLOPEDIA (regardless of stylization, capitalization, translation, or presentation), all the Cinecyclopedia license and public domain buttons and icons, and any combinations thereof, whether integrated into a larger whole or presented individually. This also includes all CCP trademarks incorporated into Unicode and other similar standards.

Usage of Trademarks:

Cinecyclopedia's trademarks are licensed under a Creative Commons license. You are authorized to use our trademarks following this Trademark Policy, and solely under the condition that you obtain images of the trademarks directly from our website or apply them using software that includes the trademarks in Unicode. You are not allowed to use modified versions of our trademarks, except that you may employ a different color for the logo and its background, provided that the two chosen colors maintain a contrast ratio of at least 3:1.

Specific rules for particular trademarks:

Creative Commons Public Copyright License Marks: Cinecyclopedia licenses the use of its public copyright license marks on the condition that you use the marks exclusively to describe the Cinecyclopedia license applicable to a specific work and, in a manner suitable to the medium and context, include the URI or hyperlink to the corresponding Cinecyclopedia deed on the Cinecyclopedia server.

Public Domain Dedication Marks: Cinecyclopedia licenses the use of its public domain dedication marks, on the condition that you use the mark solely to describe that the Cinecyclopedia Public Domain Dedication applies to a particular work and, in a manner suitable to the medium and context, include the URI or hyperlink to the Commons deed on the Cinecyclopedia server. 

Public Domain Mark: Cinecyclopedia licenses the use of its trademarked Public Domain Mark badge on the condition that you use the mark solely to describe that the Cinecyclopedia Public Domain Mark applies to a particular work and, in a manner suitable to the medium and context, include the URI or hyperlink to the Public Domain Mark on the Cinecyclopedia server.

Cinecyclopedia License Buttons and Icons: 

Cinecyclopedia licenses the use of its button marks describing a specific legal tool and its icon marks describing a key license element on the condition that you use the mark solely to describe the Cinecyclopedia legal tool applicable to a specific work and, in a manner suitable to the medium and context, include the URI or hyperlink to the relevant Commons deed on the Cinecyclopedia server.

Legacy marks:

Cinecyclopedia has retired certain prior legal tools, all of which have associated trademarks, such as the Developing Nations License, the Sampling License, and Founder's Copyright. Although these tools have been retired and are no longer recommended for use, they remain legally effective for works to which they are applied. Therefore, these trademarks may only be used under the terms and conditions of this Trademark Policy. Cinecyclopedia licenses the use of its legacy marks on the condition that you use the mark solely to describe the Cinecyclopedia legal tool applicable to a particular work and, in a manner suitable to the medium and context, include the URI or hyperlink to the relevant Commons deed on the Cinecyclopedia server. Please note that legacy marks are not available for download on our website.

Specific rules for particular uses of trademarks:

Promotional Uses: If you wish to use the Cinecyclopedia or other trademarks for event titles, product names, merchandise, and other promotional purposes (e.g., "Cinecyclopedia Film Festival"), you must first obtain permission from Cinecyclopedia. 

Domain Names: Due to the likelihood of confusion, using the Cinecyclopedia name in a domain name is prohibited without explicit permission from Cinecyclopedia.

Referential uses: You do not require our permission to use our corporate logo for referential purposes (e.g., to refer to Cinecyclopedia as an organization), provided that such use does not imply endorsement by or association with Cinecyclopedia.

Descriptive uses: You do not require our permission to use the license buttons and icons, public domain dedication marks, and other trademarks for descriptive purposes (e.g., to explain CCP licensing in educational materials), provided that such use does not imply endorsement by or association with Cinecyclopedia.

License Modification:

To prevent confusion and maintain consistency, you are not allowed to use CINECYCLOPEDIA Logo, or any other Cinecyclopedia trademarks with modified versions of any of our legal tools or Commons deeds. Specifically:

If you make changes to the text of any CCP license, you may no longer refer to it as a Cinecyclopedia Commons or CCP license, and you must not use any CCP trademarks (including the Cinecyclopedia name) or branding in connection with the license. For clarity, this includes translations of CCP licenses that have not been created and approved by Cinecyclopedia following the Legal Code Translation Policy.

Right to revoke:

Cinecyclopedia retains the right to revoke any trademark license for any reason or without specifying a reason. Cinecyclopedia is especially likely to revoke a license if, at its sole discretion, it determines that your use of the trademark is likely to damage Cinecyclopedia or any of its trademarks or cause confusion among the public.

Additional trademark permissions:

In addition to the trademark permissions pre-granted to the public as described above, Cinecyclopedia may consider granting additional permissions upon request. Please submit any such requests to [email protected]

Chapter Websites:

To avoid confusion, all Chapters should have one principal public source of online information about the Chapter and its activities. Chapters can use a domain name of their own and host/manage the site themselves. If Chapters use their own domain name, the subdomain will be forwarded, so that everyone coming to can find the site. Chapters agree to manage all domains responsibly, maintaining registrations to ensure domain availability, and assisting with the transfer of responsibility for domains as Chapters and their representatives evolve. 

We ask that such website holders hold the domain name and website in trust for Cinecyclopedia, and add Cinecyclopedia as a technical contact on the WHOIS for the site. If, at any time, the Chapter decides that the website and domain should be operated by another person or institution or retired, the website holder must cooperate in the transfer or lapse of the website and domain, as applicable. Cinecyclopedia reserves the right to decide that a TLD must be transferred to Cinecyclopedia or shut down in order to avoid trademark confusion, if a Chapter was unable to continue operating, or for any other reason.

Chapter Website Administration:

As part of the main Cinecyclopedia website, the subdomains are managed by Cinecyclopedia and therefore subject to all of the policies of the CCP site, including the DMCA policy, terms of service, and privacy policy. Every participant in a Chapter agrees to comply with all such policies and will take any actions requested by Cinecyclopedia to ensure compliance. Unlike subdomains, Chapters that choose to operate TLDs in accordance with the above are alone responsible for ensuring that they establish and maintain terms of service, a privacy policy, and any other policies necessary to comply with applicable laws, including copyright and data privacy laws.

Chapter Social Media Accounts:

Chapters may establish and maintain a single account on a reasonable number of public-facing social media platforms on behalf of the Chapter. The Chapter should track the accounts, platforms, and login information as they are established, and alert Cinecyclopedia as to which accounts it has and who operates them on behalf of the Chapter. The Chapter is responsible for ensuring consistency and quality in the content and operation of those accounts, and may establish guidelines in accordance with the Chapter Guidelines.

Chapter Mailing Lists:

If a Chapter wants to set up and maintain a mailing list for its activities, the Chapter may use the services provided by Cinecyclopedia. Whether or not using Cinecyclopedia-provided mailing lists, everyone participating in a Chapter must comply with data privacy laws when dealing with participant email addresses and other personal information.

Chapter Logo Policy:

Once established in accordance with the Charter and other applicable rules and guidelines, may create a single logo to designate their particular country chapter (“Chapter Logo”). The Chapter Logo must include our “Cinecyclopedia” name in a circle logo in their original font and style.

Note: This policy may be updated from time to time following consultation and collaboration with the Cinecyclopedia Global Network Council.