Film at Lincoln Center

Created on : March 15, 2024 17:59


Film at Lincoln Center (FLC), formerly the Film Society of Lincoln Center, is a non-profit organization that was established in 1969. Located in New York City, it promotes a vibrant film culture and honors film as an art form. FLC makes this happen through a number of programs.


Formerly known as the Film Society of Lincoln Center, Film at Lincoln Center (FLC) is a non-profit organization founded in 1969. Situated in New York City, it celebrates cinema as an art form and fosters a thriving film culture. FLC achieves this through various initiatives.

Year-round, FLC presents film festivals, retrospectives, and screenings of new releases and restorations. Beyond screenings, FLC contributes to film culture through its publications and educational programs.  Film Comment, their film journal, provides high-quality film journalism.  FLC Academies offer programs designed to cultivate the next generation of film industry professionals.  Through these efforts, FLC aims to enrich the lives of all who engage with film.

One notable event is the annual New York Film Festival, which FLC presents.  They also co-host the New Directors/New Films Festival with the Museum of Modern Art.  FLC's Chaplin Award Gala annually honors legendary figures within the film industry.  These events solidify FLC's place as a major center for film appreciation and development in the United States.

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