Film Preservation Society

Created on : April 4, 2024 12:14


Based in Los Angeles, California, Tracey Goessel founded the non-profit organization known as the Film Preservation Society (FPS) in 2014. Preserving the history of silent cinema in America is their goal. In order to ensure that a piece of cinematic history isn't lost forever, they work nonstop to find, save, and repair these silent films.


The Film Preservation Society (FPS) is a non-profit organization established in 2014 by Tracey Goessel, residing in Los Angeles, California. Their mission is to safeguard America's silent film legacy.  They tirelessly work to locate, rescue, and restore these silent films, ensuring a piece of cinematic history isn't lost forever.  FPS collaborates with prestigious institutions like Paramount Pictures and the Library of Congress on these restorations.  Their dedication has brought these restored gems to life at various film festivals, allowing audiences to experience these silent masterpieces anew. Financially supported by grants from foundations and other nonprofits, the FPS operates with a lean team. Screenings of their restorations have been featured on Turner Classic Movies, alongside prestigious film festivals like the San Francisco Silent Film Festival, the Kansas Silent Film Festival, and even the Pordenone Silent Film Festival in Italy. With Tracey Goessel serving as president and Lisa Boyce as treasurer, both volunteers, the FPS exemplifies passionate dedication to a vital cause.

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