Leigh Film Society

Created on : April 4, 2024 12:04


The Leigh Film Society is a non-profit organization run by volunteers, bringing cinema to the Wigan and Leigh area. They screen a wide variety of films, including classics, independents, and foreign films, with the goal of fostering appreciation for film as an art form. They even run special programs like the Afternoon Classic Club to cater to different interests. Leigh Film Society is a charitable organization that puts on events to combat social isolation and uses film to educate and entertain the public.


Leigh Film Society is a haven for film enthusiasts in the Wigan and Leigh area. This non-profit organization, run entirely by passionate volunteers, offers a unique opportunity to experience cinema beyond the multiplex. Their mission is to cultivate a deeper appreciation for film as an art form and a medium for education and social connection.

Leigh Film Society isn't just about screenings; it's about fostering a community around film. They achieve this through a diverse program featuring classic, independent, foreign, and British films. Whether you're a seasoned cinephile or just discovering the magic of movies, there's something for everyone. The relaxed and informal environment created by the society allows for discussions and shared experiences, making film viewing a social event.

But their impact goes beyond entertainment. Leigh Film Society is a registered charity, and their activities extend to promoting film literacy and education. They fight social isolation by providing a platform for people to connect through their shared love of film. They even organize the Wigan and Leigh Film Festival, a local celebration of filmmaking, giving aspiring filmmakers a platform to showcase their work.

By providing professionally delivered screenings and educational programs, Leigh Film Society plays a crucial role in keeping the art of cinema alive and thriving in the Leigh community. Their dedication to film education ensures that future generations can appreciate the power of storytelling through film. So, if you're in the Leigh area and seeking a cinematic experience that goes beyond popcorn and blockbusters, Leigh Film Society is definitely worth checking out.


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