Philip Bloom

Created on : March 15, 2024 17:49


Renowned British director Philip Bloom has made a name for himself in the DSLR filmmaking community. Throughout the course of his more than 30-year career, he has made a strong case for the use of DSLR cameras, which are smaller and more adaptable, in professional projects.


Philip Bloom is a renowned British filmmaker who has carved a niche for himself in the world of DSLR filmmaking. His career spans over 30 years, with a good portion of it dedicated to advocating for the use of smaller, more versatile DSLR cameras in professional productions.

 Bloom's expertise extends beyond filmmaking itself. He is a passionate educator, sharing his knowledge through his website, blog, and YouTube. This focus on education makes him a valuable resource for both aspiring and established filmmakers seeking to embrace new technologies and create stunning visuals regardless of the camera they use.

 While Bloom has a filmography that includes work with prestigious organizations like Lucasfilm and the BBC, his mission seems to go beyond personal filmmaking achievements. He is a champion for innovation and accessibility in the filmmaking industry, empowering creators with the knowledge and confidence to produce high-quality work using readily available equipment. He is known for The Wonder List with Bill Weir (2015), How to Start a Revolution (2011) and Red Tails (2012).

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