Sociedad Coral Argentina

Created on : April 5, 2024 11:25


Sociedad Coral Argentina is a prestigious cultural institution also has a film division that showcases silent films with live musical accompaniment, preserving a unique cinematic experience and highlighting the artistic merit of this early film form.


Argentina's prestigious Sociedad Coral Argentina boasts a unique film division dedicated to preserving a forgotten cinematic experience. Founded in 1871, the Sociedad Coral Argentina's primary focus is choral music. However, their film division adds a fascinating layer to their artistic endeavours. They meticulously curate screenings of silent films, presenting them with the captivating accompaniment of live musical performances. This dedication not only breathes new life into these early cinematic works but also highlights the artistic merit of silent film as a storytelling medium. The Sociedad Coral Argentina's film division serves as a bridge between the past and present, reminding audiences of the power of silent film and the artistry required to create a captivating cinematic experience without the aid of sound.

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