Call Time in Film Shooting

Created on : January 16, 2024 11:11 | Last updated on : January 16, 2024 17:53


In film production, "Call time" refers to the planned beginning of production. Usually, two hours precede the first on-location or studio filming. In addition to giving crew members who are not needed for this shot the chance to leave early in order to recover and be ready for their next call time, this also enables people and equipment to be in place for filming.


Whether you’re a film producer, a film coordinator, a film actor, or a parent of an actor, you’re probably well-versed in the film industry-term, call time.

 A call time is the time the film cast and crew of a film production needs to be on the set, ready to work. The crew usually has an earlier call time than the film actors because they need to get everything ready for film shooting. The purpose of the call time is to stay on schedule, so the film production can stay on budget.

The call times are set way ahead of time, usually by the first assistant film director or film production coordinator. This information comes from the film producers and film directors. Department heads have calculated how long each camera shot will take to shoot, setup, determining a call time for each day and each department.


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