Web and New Media

Created on : October 26, 2023 18:36 | Last updated on : January 19, 2024 12:15


A web film is one that is created with the restrictions of the Internet's distribution methods in mind. This term is used to separate content generated expressly for the Internet from information that has been turned into a World Wide Web-compatible format but was originally created for other media, such as television or movies. Web movies are a type of new media.


A web film is produced keeping in mind the limitations of the Internet's film distribution channels. This word is used to distinguish content created specifically for the Internet from information that has been transformed into a format compatible with the World Wide Web but was created for other media, such as television or movies.Web films are a form of new media.


There are broadly three forms of films that can be encountered on the Internet:

Traditional Promotion:

A digitally restored version of films made using the same equipment and production techniques as TV and movies. It often requires 35mm or high-definition digital footage. For example: the trailer for Lord of the Rings.

Films not made for but distributed via the Internet:

A film taking advantage of the Internet for distribution. Often large files or designed to be downloaded not streamed. Example: The short film 405 The Movie.

Web Films:

Films are made with the medium of the Internet and its constraints in mind. They are made in harmony with the Internet & computer technologies such as streaming Flash or After Effects. For example: Distance Over Time.

Web Film Production

The process of making movies and videos, especially for online film distribution and watching is known as "web film production." A vast variety of content can fall under this category, including music videos, web series, short films, ads, and other internet-only video content. A wide spectrum of experts, including scriptwriters, film directors, film producers, cinematographers, and film editors, might be involved in the process, which usually combines pre-production, production, and post-production.

The goal of it is to produce material, especially for online distribution channels like Vimeo and YouTube, as well as websites, social networking sites, and streaming services. When opposed to traditional films or TV shows, the content is frequently shorter and designed for internet consumption.

When compared to traditional film and television production, web film production frequently has less production expenditures. This is mostly because the projects are smaller in scope and may employ equipment and methods that are more economical. Furthermore, the use of expensive physical distribution techniques is eliminated by online film distribution.
The creation of web films presents several revenue opportunities. Filmmakers can generate money by selling items, crowdfunding, advertising, sponsorships, and partnerships with internet sites that provide revenue-sharing schemes. Establishing a direct connection with an audience presents prospects for cultivating a devoted following and garnering backing via crowdfunding sites.

In general, the creation, distribution, and consumption of material have all been completely transformed by online film production. It has given filmmakers the confidence to present their work to a worldwide audience, try out new concepts, and interact with viewers in novel ways.

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