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How do I send my film to a film festival?


Sending your film to a film festival involves a few key steps:


1. Choose the Right Festivals:

Genre and Style: Research film festivals that align with your film's genre, style, and target audience.

Film Festival Prestige: Consider your goals. Do you seek exposure at prestigious film festivals or a good fit for your niche audience?

Location and Budget: Factor in film festival location (travel costs) and film submission fees when selecting film festivals.


2. Study Film Submission Methods:
 There are two main ways to submit:

Film Festival Submission Platforms: Platforms like Film Freeway and WFCN offer a centralized approach, allowing film submissions to numerous film festivals.

Individual Film Festival Websites: Many film festivals have dedicated film submission portals on their official websites.


3. Prepare Your Film Submission Materials:

Screener: Ensure your film meets the film festival's technical requirements (format, file size).

Synopsis & Trailer: Prepare a concise and compelling synopsis and an engaging trailer showcasing your film'sessence.

Film Festival Entry Form: Accurately complete the film festival's online or downloadable entry form.

Fees: Pay any required submission fees using the platform's or film festival's secure payment methods.


Here are some additional tips:

Film Festival Submission Deadlines are crucial. 

Follow Film Submission Guidelines: Carefully read and follow each film festival's specific film submission guidelines.

Proofread Everything: Ensure all materials, including the entry form and synopsis, are free of errors.

Keep Records: Maintain a record of your film submissions, including film submission deadlines, fees, and confirmation emails.

By following these steps and utilizing the provided resources, you can successfully navigate the film festivalsubmission process and showcase your work to the world!


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