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Most Important Short Film Festivals of 2024

As we step into the dynamic realm of short film in 2024, numerous Short Film Festivals around the globe are set to captivate audiences and celebrate the art of concise storytelling. Let's embark on a journey through these short film festivals, each offering a unique platform for filmmakers to showcase their creativity.


The Norwegian Short Film Festival

Located in Norway, it is known for its picturesque setting and a rich selection of international short films.


Vienna Shorts

Vienna Shorts, situated in Vienna, Austria, embraces avant-garde storytelling and fosters emerging talent in the world of short films.


Tribeca Festival

prestigious film festival with a global reputation, located at the heart of New York, USA, Tribeca Festival offers exposure to a wide audience.


The Paris Short Film Festival

The Paris Short Film Festival, stands tall at the heart of Paris, France, celebrating the cultural richness of Paris through the art of short filmmaking.


Woods Hole Film Festival

The Woods Hole Film Festival offers filmmakers a platform to dive into the world of short filmmaking. Nestled in the picturesque town of Woods Hole, this film festival is an ode to creativity in the heart of nature. It offers various programmes and shows commitment to showcasing emerging talents.


San Jose International Short Film Festival

The San Jose International Short Film Festival, located at San Jose, USA, is a celebration of concise storytellingFilmmakers have the chance to captivate audiences and explore the nuances of short-form narratives. Additionally, it also offers a dynamic space for filmmakers to connect with industry professionals.


Palm Springs International ShortFest

Palm Springs International ShortFest is renowned for its prestigious platform and attracting top-tier industry professionals. Located at Palm Springs, USA, it promises to be a cinematic adventure, showcasing the myriad ways in which filmmakers encapsulate powerful stories within compact durations.

  • Deadline: Late Deadline - February 1, 2024
  • Categories: A wide array of categories, celebrating the best in short filmmaking.


International Short Film Festival Oberhausen

Celebrating its 70th edition, this festival is one of the oldest and most prestigious short film festivals globally. Stated in Oberhausen, Germany, International Short Film Festival Oberhausen is best known for its vision for creating an inclusive platform for short filmmakers and independent filmmakers.


Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia

Marking its significance as one of the largest international short film festivals in Asia, this festival continues to be a melting pot of global short film excellence. Tokyo, the city it is held upon becomes the robust place fostering cultural exchange through the art of short filmmaking.


St Kilda Film Festival

Nestled in the creative landscape of Melbourne, Australia, this festival remains a vital platform for both local and international short filmmakers. St Kilda Film Festival is widely known for its commitment to showcasing innovative and cutting-edge short films.



Sundance, synonymous with revolutionary cinema, extends its prestige to short films. Situated at Utah, USA, this festival is known for catapulting indie films to global recognition.



Focused on empowering independent filmmakers and celebrating bold storytelling, the Raindance Short Film Festival is a dynamic showcase of creativity and experimentation. This festival, renowned for its commitment to independent filmmaking, continues to be a vital platform for emerging talents to make their mark. It is situated at London, UK.

  • Late Deadline: February 5, 2024
  • Categories: An inclusive space for diverse short films.


Atlanta ShortFest

Set against the dynamic backdrop of Atlanta, the ShortFest embraces diversity and innovation in short filmmaking. It nurtures emerging talent and provides a vibrant space for networking.


Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival

Known as a beacon for short film enthusiasts, the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival stands as a stalwart in the cinematic calendar. Situated at Clermont-Ferrand, France, it has become one of the largest short film festivals globally, celebrating the art of concise storytelling.

  • Deadline: February 10, 2024
  • Categories: A diverse range of short film categories.


As we anticipate the unveiling of these short film festivals in 2024, it's clear that each event offers a distinctive platform for filmmakers to shine. From the historic Oberhausen to the bustling streets of Tokyo, these festivals celebrate the universal language of short films, weaving together diverse stories from around the globe.




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