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Where to submit your Short Film?


Here are some excellent options to consider when searching for film festivals to submit your short film in 2024:

Film Festival Platforms:

WFCN: This is an integrated platform for filmmakers to submit their films to the top international film festivals, collaborating with other film industry professionals and distributing their new movies.

Film Freeway: With a vast database of film festivals, FilmFreeway allows you to target a wide range of film festivals and other film industry events.

Targeted Resources:

Film Festival Tracker: This website helps you map out a film festival strategy based on your film's genre and target audience.

Short Film Festivals: Conduct a web search using this term to find comprehensive lists dedicated specifically to short films in 2024.

Research the Film Festival: Before submitting, ensure the film festival aligns with your film's style and has screened similar short films in the past.

Pay Attention to Film Festival Deadlines: Deadlines vary significantly between film festivals. Check the official film festival website.

Short Film Length Restrictions: Many film festivals have specific length limits for short films. Ensure your film falls within the acceptable range before submitting.

By utilizing these resources and following these tips, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect film festivals to showcase your short film in 2024. Remember, submitting to film festivals is a strategic process. Take your time, research thoroughly, and target film festivals that resonate with your film.

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