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Anna Magdalena Bach:two women Poster

Anna Magdalena Bach:two women (2023) 7.5

Anna Magdalena Bach:two women (2023)
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General Information

Completed On: 01 Jun, 2023


Duration: 25 min 19 sec

Genres: Experimental, Fiction, Short

Language: Spanish

Country: Spain

Submitted By: Miguel Angel Barroso García

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  • Directors
    Miguel Angel Barroso
  • Producers
    Ursula Sobenes
  • Writers
    Miguel Angel Barroso
  • Make-up,Wardrobe
    Elle Ci
    Anna Magdalena Bach
  • Make-up,Wardrobe
    German Estebas
  • Make-up,Wardrobe
    Daniela Fung Macchi
    Direct Sound
  • Make-up,Wardrobe
    Irene Segovia Ponce
  • Make-up,Wardrobe
    Queca Sainz
  • Film Type
    Experimental, Fiction, Short
  • Genres
  • Runtime
    25 minutes 19 seconds
  • Completion Date
    01 Jun, 2023
  • Production Budget
  • Country of Origin
  • Country of Filming
  • Film Language
  • Shooting Format
  • Aspect Ratio
  • Film Color
  • Student Project
  • First-time Filmmaker

Director's Biography

Se dedica a la poesía, la dirección cinematográfica y la historia del cine.
Ha participado en la organización de diversos festivales cinematográficos en calidad de Programador.

Ha colaborado como Jurado en los Festivales de Cine Erótico celebrados en Barcelona (Ficeb) y Madrid (Exposex). Miembro del Jurado de Cortometrajes del FESTIVAL DEL CINEMA ITALIANO DI MADRID 2008-2009-2010. Miembro del Jurado Internacional de Cortometrajes del FESTIVAL IMAGO FILM FEST 2009, en el que asimismo ha llevado a cabo la elaboración del ciclo dedicado al Cine Erótico y el Homenaje al cineasta italiano Tinto Brass.
Organizó la video-conferencia: Il linguaggio cinematográfico italiano e il mare, dentro de la VII Edizione Settimana Della Lingua Italiana Nel Mondo.
Organizó la video-conferencia: la inolvidable Anna Magnani, en el Homenaje a la actriz Anna Magnani en el centenario de su nacimiento, celebrado en el Istituto de Cultura Italiano de Madrid.

Ha publicado entre otros libros: La bella Patricia (Narrativa) (2000); Pier Paolo Pasolini: la brutalidad de la coherencia (2000); Cine Erótico en 100 Jornadas (2001); Cine Español en 100 Películas (2002); Michelangelo Antonioni: Tecnicamente Dolce (2006);Marcello Mastroianni De la A a la Z (2007); Las Cien Mejores Películas Italianas de la Historia del Cine (2008); Las Cien Mejores Películas del Siglo XX; Las Cien Mejores Películas Francesas de la Historia del Cine (2009); Las Cien Mejores Películas Británicas de la Historia del Cine (2011); Pasolini nelle città (Pasolini en las ciudades) incluido en el libro: La cultura è capitale, a cura di Andrea Lezzi (2022)

Ha publicado varios libros de poesía entre los que destacan: Insensatos movimientos de camaleón; Poesía en celo; Poemas de la agresión; Salí a Cazar al diablo; A través de la poesía de Andrei Tarkovski reflejada de su cine; Amalgamas, etc…

Ha dirigido las películas:

-HISTORIAS DE LIMA (2012) –Documental -Largometraje
-EVALUNA (2013) –Cortometraje
-PIERPAOLO (2016) -Documental -Largometraje
-MALA: Apuntes de una ciudad (2017) Documental -Largometraje
-URBANOS (2019) -Documental experimental
-ANNA MAGDALEN BACH: TWO WOMEN (2022) -Cortometraje

Director's Statement

Anna Magdalena Bach recalls moments of her life through the seasons of the year in poetic symbolism. While conversing with herself through an imaginary mirror, the rain, storms, snow, and sun follow one another, and the same tree is always present in the story of her life: a loquat that we see how it evolves with each season. . there is the role of a male narrator who provides us with specific information about his life that gives us an idea of ​​the immense talent of this woman of whom no portrait has survived and who died in poverty.
The narrator informs us of the autobiographical data of the protagonist: Anna Magdalena Bach. She tells us about her maiden name, tells us that she is a singer at the Köthen court and that she is a gifted musician. While the narrator speaks we see Anna Magdalena who dances and smiles. At that moment the credit titles begin on a brick wall and the sound background of a city and its noisy traffic. Anna Magdalena is sitting in a chair very dejected and with an anguished voice exclaims: "Have mercy, My God for my tears! Look at my heart and my eyes crying before you with bitterness." Next, Anna Magdalena Bach strikes up a conversation with herself. One is the young lady and the other is the mature woman. They never get to be together in the scene, but speak to each other as if it were a monologue that nevertheless resembles a conversation between the two women. In the first conversation, both talk briefly about the coincidence of their lives from childhood to adulthood. They say that their paths in life are sweet and they are bitter.
The narrator tells us that Anna Magdalena fell in love with another musician out of love and shared her life destiny with him. We see an adult Anna Magdalena lying on her back on the ground, motionless and sad.
A storm breaks out in which the second conversation between the two women takes place: the young woman is sitting in a cave and the adult woman holds a candle that illuminates her total darkness.
In the third conversation of both women we heard a sound of crickets; It is a calm night and the moon runs through the clouds. The mature woman is sitting by a candle and talking to the young woman who is holding a cello. The two explain the reasons for their art and finally the young woman establishes herself in her personality exclaiming: "I am Anna Magdalena Bach!"
The narrator leads to the following conversation between the two women: snow is falling and it is very cold. The adult woman holds a rose in her hand which she crushes at the end, blood dripping down her fingers; the young woman leaves a violin on the ground and stands with her back to the viewer with her bare back, after having removed her white shirt in an act of personal liberation.
The narrator tells us of the intimate fusion of one woman into another through their families' surname for the sake of music and art. The image appears in a young Anna Magdalena seated next to a movie projector and in her hands she has a reel of film that is falling disorderly on the floor.
Unexpectedly we see the city; both women, each one separately, walk through their streets: the young woman is waiting for the bus at the bus stop and carries the cello with her. The bus arrives, but she doesn't get on. The adult woman is lost on a street where there is heavy traffic, she has a large suitcase with her and does not know where to go.
A long sequence of the tree and its fruits: medlars, accompanied by the soothing sound of a mighty stream, leads us to the epilogue: the standing narrator reads a short poem from a book.


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