General Information
Duration: 18 min 11 sec
Genres: Short
Country: India
Submitted By: Raktim Mukherjee
Festival Rating 1.3
DirectorRaktim MukherjeeThe Mish Mush
DirectorRaktim MukherjeeThe Teacher Uncle
DirectorRaktim MukherjeeThe Swamp of Dead Souls
ProducersRaktim MukherjeeThe Mish Mash Mush
ProducersKoustav KunduThe Mish Mash Mush
ProducersKoustav KunduThe Teacher Uncle
ProducersRaktim MukherjeeThe Swamp of Dead Souls
WritersRaktim MukherjeeThe Swamp of Dead Souls
WritersRaktim MukherjeeThe Teacher Uncle
WritersRaktim MukherjeeThe Mish Mash Mush
Film TypeShort
Runtime18 minutes 11 seconds
Production BudgetUSD
Country of OriginIndia
Country of Filming
Film Language
Shooting Format
Aspect Ratio
Film ColorColor
Student ProjectNo
First-time FilmmakerNo
Director's Biography
A software engineer by profession, an avid film enthusiast, cinephile , an admirer of beauty and natural aesthetics. A self taught film maker, just taken the baby steps of movie world.