WRATH (2021)
General Information
Completed On: 11 May, 2021
Duration: 23 min 6 sec
Genres: Fiction, Short, Virtual Reality
Language: English and English pidig
Country: Cameroon
Submitted By: Prince Wilson
Festival Rating
WRATH is a story that tells the difference between the Rich and poor in our society today.
DirectorsPrince WilsonNgwoh Willson Fuh
ProducersPrince WilsonNgwoh Willson Fuh
WritersEwi Can VickramVan
Film TypeFiction, Short, Virtual Reality
Runtime23 minutes 6 seconds
Completion Date11 May, 2021
Production Budget500 USD
Country of OriginCameroon
Country of FilmingCameroon
Film LanguageEnglish and English pidig
Shooting FormatFull HD
Aspect Ratio16:9
Film ColorColor
Student ProjectNo
First-time FilmmakerYes
Cameroon international film festival
Best screenplay and best story
Director's Biography
I'm Prince Wilson a renowned filmmaker based in Yaounde.
Am a full time filmmaker and a professional chief cook base on American recipe from the Northwest Region ESU Cameroon and I'm the CEO of Prince's Production.
I has been in the game since 2015 where i safe my people as a comedian and a film actor but officially started my career as a filmmaker in 2018 where i said the society need to hear my voice that push me into the world of arts judging from the happenings in the society, to that effect i decided to venture into filmmaking because according to me i felt the call, the burning desire and passion to tell the stories happening around me through filmmaking which i see it as gifted in me.
I Prince Wilson Have in my credit some renowable movies acted, produce and directed namely:
(Movies produce and directed by Prince Wilson)
(Movies Produce by Prince Wilson)
Homeless child: Directed by Ewi Van Vickram
Directed by Ewi Van Vickram
Directed by Ewi Van Vickram.
And have taken part in some movies like:
Campus war: Produce by Enow and Directed by Ewi Van Vickram
Hand of devil: produce and Directed by Crtv
Unbearable truth: produce by Claire and Directed by Anang Gaston
Stripping: produce by Vanessa and Directed by Ec Brownesh
Over my dead body: produce by Immortal vibes and Directed by Ewi Van Vickram.
just to name but few.
Going through this list above and to those have watched the movies can talk of good movies and professionalism in them.
Director's Statement
I chose to do this project because it's a true life story.