The "Mediterraneo Festival Corto" is an international short film competition that has become one of the most popular short film festivals.
In previous editions there have been numerous actors and actresses who have succeeded as testimonials of the event, and in 2019 (the ninth edition) we also had the pleasure of hosting the three Oscars won by Maestro Carlo Rambaldi (King Kong, ET and Alien ).
Registration for each work is set at € 5.00. For more consignments you can contact the organization to agree on a new price
The prizes will be assigned as follows:
Best Short Film: 500,00 Euro + Mediterranean Award Short Festival + motivation parchment
Best short film Human right (Amnesty Iternational Italia): Plaque + parchment motivation
Best Photography: Plaque + parchment motivation
Press Award Matchnews: Matchnews Award + parchment motivation
Best Actor / Actress: Plaque + Parchment Motivation
Best Soundtrack: Plaque + parchment motivation
Best Documentary: Plaque + parchment motivation
Extraordinary mention: Plaque + parchment motivation, with delivery in an "ad hoc" screening event in December 2023.
For the Schools Section: Best Short Film: Plaque + parchment motivation.
For the Videoclip section: Best Videoclip: Plaque + parchment motivation
For the Animation Short Films: Prize "CuoreMatto" Price: 300,00. Euro + parchment motivation
Rules & Terms
The complete competition notice it can be downloaded on:
Dead line: 31/03/2024