Welcome to Sofia Art Film Awards, a place that celebrates art, filmmaking, and artists. We believe that every artist is equal, and should be treated equally with the same respect. With this thought in our minds, we created SAFA and our only judging criteria are a project's artistic quality and potential.
Our quarter-annual competition (Summer/Autumn/Winter/Spring) are open for all genres. Submit now and be part of SUMMER edition.
If you believe that you are an excellent filmmaker with an amazing inner artistic quality, and an exciting project, SAFA is the place for you.
We accept feature films, short films, documentaries, animations, experimental, music videos, and web series of any genre. Each month our judges, watch and rate the submitted films. The Best Films are announced as the Winners and Honorable Mentions of the season.
We will award BEST FILM of the season and get promotion, screening and video interview.
We will assign two awards (Best and Honorable Mention) for each category.
Every Best, Honorable Mention, and Finalists will receive a CERTIFICATE and LAURELS (pdf/png file).
Best 10 films of the season will compete in the annual event for SAFA Award.
Best Feature Film
Best Feature Documentary
Best Short Film
Best Short Documentary
Best Student Film
Best Super Short Film
Best Animation
Best Experimental
Best Director Feature Film
Best Director Short Film
Best Director Super Short Film
Best First Time Director (Feature)
Best First Time Director (Short)
Best Indie Feature Film low budget)
Best Indie Short Film (low budget)
Best Music Video
Best Feature Script
Best Short Script
Best TV Pilot Script
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best One Minute Film
Best Commercial
Best Trailer
All films must have English language subtitles.
All Film Festival entrants must be 18 years of age or older.
Multiple entries from the same submitter are accepted, but a separate submission and a separate entry fee must accompany each entry.
The decision of the jury committee will be final.
Sofia Art Film Awards reserves rights to change or re-schedule the dates, venue, awards & categories without consent or information to contestants.
No fee waiver. All entry fees are non-refundable.
The organizers reserve the right not to award any or all of the prizes.
By submitting, you agree that you own all copyrights and intellectual properties to your work.
We reserve the right to use any part of your submission for promotional purposes on our website and social media accounts.