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Year(s) Running


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Event Type
  • Screenplay / Writing Contest



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Categories & Fees

Scriptify competition is created by FICCH Fest

Awards & Prizes

1st, 2nd, 3rd Digital Certificate and Review

Rules & Terms

Category Rules
-Only 5 scripts finalist for category.
-Only the 1st, 2nd and 3rd will receive Certificate and Review.
-Application, the winners will be announced on the following day.

-Our judges has access to all scripts, and they vote without sharing your work publicly.
Please be sure that you have the proper English or Spanish script format.


-Registering a script to the contest means accepting the conditions of the call for entries to the contest.
-The Organization Committee will resolve any eventuality no contemplated in this call for entries. Its decision will not be subjected to appeal.
-The Contest Programming Committee reserves the right to change a script registered in one category to another if it deems it necessary.
-All entries should be done with an pdf or word file. Please don't send discs or any downloadable files to us.

- Contest keeps the right of changing the section of the selected script from the section which is submitted. Same script can be submitted on different sections to have more opportunity.

- Contest has the right for using titles, art, poster of scripts from the submitted material for contest promotional purposes.

- Contest does not offer any refund through withdrawal or the script haven’t selected for the monthly or yearly editions.

- We don’t offer any refund through withdrawal or the scripts haven’t selected for the contest.

-Contest does not offer any refund through withdrawal or the scripts haven’t selected for the monthly or yearly editions.

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