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Citizen Kane (1941) Poster

Citizen Kane (1941) (1941) 8.0

Citizen Kane (1941) (1941)
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General Information

Completed On: 05 Sep, 1941

Director: Orson Welles

Duration: 1 hr 59 min 0 sec

Genres: Fiction

Language: English

Country: United States

Submitted By: Anna Maurice

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The story of Citizen Kane revolves around the character Charles Foster Kane (played by Orson Welles) who is the proprietor of a newspaper and gains fame through the marriage to the niece of the US president. Charles Foster advances his political ambitions by giving a voice to democracy and champions the cause of the impoverished working classes in America with his stance against the order of capitalism and plutocracy in his time. However, through a series of indiscretions and amorous affairs the principles of such a noble mind start to unravel and self-destruct. Citizen Kane is levelled through the Wall Street crash as does his belief system perish when his power wanes when he stands isolated before the public eye. Through errors of the psyche, the noble becomes commonplace.

  • Directors
    Orson Welles
  • Producers
    Orson Welles
  • Writers
    Herman J. Mankiewicz
  • Writers
    Orson Welles
  • Film Type
  • Genres
    Drama,Mystery and Suspense,Classics
  • Runtime
    1 hours 59 minutes 0 seconds
  • Completion Date
    05 Sep, 1941
  • Production Budget
  • Country of Origin
    United States
  • Country of Filming
    United States
  • Film Language
  • Shooting Format
  • Aspect Ratio
  • Film Color
  • Student Project
  • First-time Filmmaker

Director's Biography

George Orson Welles was an American actor, director, writer and producer who is remembered for his innovative work in radio, theatre and film. He is considered one of the greatest filmmakers of all time.
His father was a well-to-do inventor, his mother a beautiful concert pianist; Orson Welles was gifted in many arts as a child. When his mother died he travelled the world with his father. He was orphaned at 15 after his father's death and became the ward of Dr Maurice Bernstein of Chicago. In 1931, he graduated from the Todd School in Woodstock, Illinois. He turned down college offers for a sketching tour of Ireland. He tried unsuccessfully to enter the London and Broadway stages, travelling some more in Morocco and Spain.
In 1938, they produced "The Mercury Theatre on the Air", famous for its broadcast version of "The War of the Worlds". His first film to be seen by the public was Citizen Kane (1941), a commercial failure losing RKO $150,000, but regarded by many as the best film ever made. Many of his subsequent films were commercial failures and he exiled himself to Europe in 1948. In 1956, he directed Touch of Evil (1958); it failed in the United States but won a prize at the 1958 Brussels World's Fair. In 1975, in spite of all his box-office failures, he received the American Film Institute's Lifetime Achievement Award, and in 1984, the Directors Guild of America awarded him its highest honour, the D.W. Griffith Award. His reputation as a filmmaker steadily climbed thereafter.


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