Never Say Die (1988)
Never Say Die
Director :
Writer :
Producer :
General Information
Completed On: 09 Dec, 1988
Duration: 2 hr 54 min 0 sec
Genres: Fiction
Language: en
Investigative journalist Alf Winters (Morrison), meets his American girlfriend, Melissa Jones (Eilbacher), at Auckland airport. As they park outside Alf's house, it explodes. It is soon apparent that persons unknown want them dead, but the police are either skeptical or in the pay of those responsible. They play hide and seek around New Zealand with the stalkers, all the while coping with car chases, plane crashes, bullets and explosions.
Film TypeFiction
Runtime2 hours 54 minutes 0 seconds
Completion Date09 Dec, 1988
Production BudgetUSD
Country of Origin
Country of Filming
Film Languageen
Shooting Format
Aspect Ratio
Film Color
Student ProjectNo
First-time FilmmakerNo