The Boston Horror Comedy Film Festival is an opportunity for filmmakers from both the horror world and the comedy world to screen, network, grow and experience the greatness that is these golden genres. The line between horror and comedy is an interesting one, because both rely so similarly on timing and style. We made this festival to celebrate both of these under-appreciated genres and the incredible filmmakers that specialize in either.
Our festival is designed and has continued to develop with the goal of providing as much value as possible for the incredible filmmakers and film enthusiasts that attend. We screen beautiful horror work and comedy work, we have masterclasses, panels, lessons, resources, tools, etc. We have networking opportunities to connect likeminded film and industry personnel. And of course, we have awards!
Whether a finalist or not, all officially selected filmmakers will be invited to join us at the Boston Horror Comedy Film Festival! Learn, socialize, screen your work, take up our film-based opportunities, and enjoy the wonderful world of independent cinema!
*We're also official partners of The Film Festival Network! If you're interested in taking your film career to the next level online, go visit - Their interview packages and review publications are built to help independent filmmakers grow. It's an amazing platform, and it's a great community to be a part of if you're interested in growing your film career! ->
The 2023 Boston Horror Comedy Film Festival is being held through an immersive online festival event venue that will span across 72 hours: Loaded up with resources, panels, interviews, masterclasses, accessible tools, networking opportunities, educational opportunities and of course: A whole lot of incredible, privately screened films.
We can't wait to see you there!
A laurel and certificate for the creator that most exemplifies what the Boston Horror Comedy Film Festival is all about and shows incredible talent in their work.
A laurel and certificate for the creator that most exemplifies what the Boston Horror Comedy Film Festival is all about and shows incredible talent in their work.
A laurel and certificate for the most outstanding directing in a short film.
A laurel and certificate for the most outstanding student film.
An honorary award for the best content that just doesn't fit the conventional category mold.
A laurel and certificate for the most outstanding writing in a short form script.
A laurel and certificate for the most outstanding writing in a feature script.
All entries should be sent via WFCN with a secure online screener.
-Each accepted film must be submitted in the .mp4 or .mov format, preferably.
-By submitting to the festival you confirm that you own the rights of the film, including the rights to the music in the film.
-There is no minimum running time.
-Films must have been completed on or after Jan 1, 2020.
-Submission fees are non-refundable
-All genres are welcome (narrative, animated, experimental, documentary or music video).
-Filmmakers may submit multiple entries as long as each film is submitted with its own Entry Form, online screener and paid Entry Fee.